How to Declutter When You Want to Keep Everything

How to declutter when you want to keep everything. Learn to let go of the junk without feeling like you’re throwing out your personality along with it.
Hmm… so, you want to declutter but also avoid feeling like you’ve just sold your soul to Marie Kondo and your entire house now looks like a sterile box?
I get it. Been there.
But know what? You can let go of the junk without feeling like you’re throwing out your personality along with it. Let’s get into it.
Step One: Start with the Easy Stuff.
To begin with, please don’t go straight for the sentimental stuff. Like that time I thought I could declutter my high school yearbooks first and ended up reading notes from people I don’t even remember.
Please! Don’t start by trying to decide if that shoebox of crumpled concert tickets from the Taylor Swift Reputation tour sparks joy. That’s a one-way ticket to emotional chaos and a nap on the floor. Instead, go for the low-hanging fruit.
That stack of old magazines you’ve been “meaning” to read (you won’t).
The four spatulas in your kitchen drawer (WHY?).
And let’s not even talk about the 87 random cords we’re all apparently collecting like trophies of tech past. Spoiler: If you don’t know what it plugs into, it’s time to set it free.
Pro Tip: Bring a friend if you need help staying on track. Just maybe not Amy, she’ll convince you to keep everything “just in case.”
Step Two: Ask Yourself the Big Question.
No, not “Does it spark joy?” We’re not doing that today. Instead, try this: Does this item earn its spot in my life? Think of it like The Bachelor but for your stuff.
Take that sweater you’ve been “meaning” to wear but haven’t touched since the first season of Stranger Things…
Does it deserve a rose?
Or what about that quirky vase you bought because it looked cute on the store but now just sits there collecting dust and regrets? Let it go, girl.
Step Three: Get Over the “What If I Need It Someday?” Syndrome.
Listen, we’ve all kept some random junk because of that tiny, nagging voice whispering, “But what if?” Here’s the truth: You won’t.
And if you do? Target exists. Amazon Prime exists. You’ll survive.
My friend once kept a broken toaster for three years.
Because he thought he might fix it someday. Spoiler alert: The toaster didn’t get fixed, but his self-respect did when he finally let it go.
It’s gone now, and guess what? The kitchen gods didn’t smite him.
Step Four: Designate a “Donation Box” and Actually Use It.
This one’s simple but SO clutch. Get a big box. Label it “Donation” (or “Bye Felicia” if you’re feeling extra spicy). Anytime you come across something you’re ready to part with, toss it in.
Here’s the trick: Don’t overthink it.
If you hesitate, just ask yourself: Would someone else actually use and enjoy this more than I do? If yes, in the box it goes.
Bonus points if you set a date each month to drop it off… Or just leave it in your trunk for six months like I usually do. No judging here.
Step Five: Make Space for the Good Stuff.
Now for the fun part. You’ve cleared out the clutter… so what stays?
Pick the things you LOVE. The stuff that makes you smile every time you see it. Like that perfect throw pillow that’s so squishy and cute, or the cozy blanket you basically live under all winter.
Here’s the gist: Less is more.
But less doesn’t mean boring. It’s all about curating your space so that the pieces you DO keep actually feel special. Think quality over quantity.
And no, this doesn’t mean you have to drop $$$ at some fancy store. Target and even Walmart have hidden gems if you’re willing to dig a little. Heck, I once found the cutest vase at a local thrift store for $3… winner, winner!
Costco, Walmart, even Home Depot have cute stuff if you’re willing to explore a little. They are out here saving lives, too.
Step Six: Don’t Try to Be Perfect.
Repeat after me: It’s not about perfection. It’s about progress. Nobody’s judging you for keeping that random knick-knack your grandma gave you just because it makes you happy. Or that mug with a chip because it’s the perfect size for your coffee.
Sentimental stuff is like a secret handshake with your past. Sentimental stuff has a free pass.
It’s your home, not a museum, so if it brings you joy, it stays. End of story. You don’t need a Pinterest-perfect home… you need a home that feels yours.
And if anyone DOES judge you, just wave at them from your stress-free, clutter-free throne of joy. Bye, haters.
Step Seven: Celebrate Like the Rock Star You Are.
You did it! You’ve decluttered, made space, and kept your soul intact!
Treat yourself. Light a fancy candle. Put on your coziest sweats. Order pizza and binge-watch your favorite trashy reality TV. (Looking at you, Love Is Blind.) Lounge on your couch with zero guilt because you’ve earned it.
And don’t forget to take a moment to soak it all in. Look around at your space and just… breathe.
Doesn’t it feel lighter? More you? That’s the magic of downsizing done right.
How to Declutter When You Want to Keep Everything
So, there you have it. Know you know how to declutter when you want to keep everything. Remember… Decluttering doesn’t have to mean losing your personality or turning your home into a bland beige abyss. You can do it!
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a box of random cables to donate.
Wish me luck.